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Monday, November 16, 2009

imagining worship

As we continue to develop the vision for Arch Street Presbyterian Church, we've been spending some time in theological exploration!  In this exploration, we've been conversing on what we imagine worship should and shouldn't be.  I will share my thoughts and invite your comments!  Please share your own list!

Worship Should:
-Present and experience the good news of the gospel (giving people hope and encouragement)
-Express how God has spoken to humanity in history and continues to speak in our current time
-Bring people together in a way that breaks down physical barriers of division
-Lead a vision of community that treats all people as children of God
-Motivate and teach the community to go forth into the world as promoters of peace and justice.
-Send people forth into the world

Worship Shouldn't:
-Avoid difficult concepts or stories in Scripture
-Water down prophetic messages
-Be too focused on individual experience
-Serve as an emotional high or be a place to show off piety
-Exclude the curious, doubters, and ‘enemies’ of the church
-Promote social or societal norms that are divisive (family models, wealth, and appearance)
-Serve as a practical ‘how-to experience’
-Always leave people feeling “comfortable”
-Promote wealth or prosperity
-Ignore sacred traditions or new models
-Worry about pleasing everyone
-Fear silence

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