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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Motley Order

I just returned from our staff retreat at a Quaker retreat center!  I had a wonderful time getting to know the staff better.  We all returned with a new energy that will hopefully carry us well into this week!

I also played guitar and sang with the "Motley Order" choir, which was a great experience!  My visions and understanding of worship music has already been greatly altered from participation in this group.  Like many things at Broad Street, there is a great emphasis on the fact that everyone is a child of God and has gifts to share.  Beyond this, the choir music attempts to serve the great diversity of Broad Street with many different types of music.  Included in this are secular songs that help to interpret the meaning of the message for that particular week.  I've always been somewhat lukewarm about this, but seeing it done effectively and in a meaningful way is pretty convincing!  This is a song we did this week:

I'll reflect on more of this later.  I do what to direct you all to another project known as "the church is alive." We've been working hard on this website, with a goal to create deeper connectivity and communication within the church.  I did a posting today, taking from several of my posts on this blog.  Check it out and join the conversation!  There will be a chance soon for all people to participate in writing blog posts on this site as well.  Check it out and join the conversation!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be interested to hear what you did with this song. My church is interested in finding new approaches to music for its Saturday night services. Thanks for the great work you're doing with this blog, friend. :)
