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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Coming in to land

Greetings family and friends!

I can hardly believe I've been here for a month already!  Time has really flown by here in the city.  Even though I've been working at Broad Street for 4 weeks, my role is finally taking shape now.  This makes some sense in that I've moved my whole life to a completely new setting and was thrown into a completely unique situation to explore my pastoral vocation.  I'm getting to the point in the job where things are starting to click.  To use a metaphor I thought of the other day, I am an airplane that has finally hit the runway after hovering with its wheels down for a little while.  So what's this runway look like?

My new title at Broad Street Ministry will be the "Pastoral Associate for Community Trailblazing."  Like that title?  Came up with it myself.  Using "pastoral associate"is a term applied to seminary interns affirming their role within the communities of Broad Street and Arch Street Pres.  "Community trailblazing" is a title that emerged out of much thought.  A large part of my role at BSM will be meeting with new volunteers, welcoming them into the community, learning about them, discovering their gifts and interests, and then helping them find where they can be best involved at Broad Street.  There is an intentionality at BSM of welcoming and encouraging ideas, and helping them become realities if possible.  The Spirit works through whoever the Spirit chooses.

Beyond this specific role, I will be attending to pastoral needs of BSM and Arch Street Presbyterian.  I will also have opportunities to participate in and lead worship.  Both opportunities are very exciting and filled with the bright future the Lord has for both locations.

Oh yeah, and I'm working on a temporary website for arch street presbyterian.  Check it!

Also, I apologize for neglecting to speak of a significant part of this internship - the seminary house.  I am sharing an apartment with 2 very talented Princeton Seminary students.  In the apartment above us is a married couple serving as our 'pastors in residence and their adorable baby.  We are intentional about sharing a meal once a week to talk about our experiences together.  They're a wonderful group and I'm sure we'll have some great adventures this year!

Regarding blogging, I am beginning to fall in to some sort of schedule.  I will make a sincere attempt to post on Sunday and Wednesday nights, following activities.  Beyond those days, it will most likely be random.  PLEASE share thoughts and comments if possible.  I desire dialogue on certain topics.  We learn from one another and I am constantly curious to what you all think about certain topics that are raised.

Thanks again for the love and support you have sent me.  Come visit sometime this year and see what it's all about!

I leave you on a lighter note...with some good ol' BBC religious humor:


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