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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Psalms of the Street

IT IS NO LONGER: "www.psalmsofthestreet..."
I know this may be confusing, so PLEASE spread the word.  I will explain the reasoning in this post.

What does Psalms of the Street mean anyway?

I had a GREAT visit to Richmond this weekend, visiting my friends at Union Presbyterian Seminary (formerly Union-PSCE).  I was very excited to share of my experience thus far, perhaps because I knew my peers could relate to and find some hope in my experience of such a vibrant urban church community.

As I explained my internship over and over again, I began to notice threads in the way I described it.  The most common thread was my description of a church full of people from ALL walks of life.  The more I described the demographic makeup of the Broad Street Ministry community the more I realized the significance of having rich, poor, young, and old in one building worshipping and fellowshipping together.  As has been often mentioned, this demographic makeup is truly a glimpse of the kingdom of God.

I have been writing about Broad Street Ministry in my blog for over a month now, and only today did I realize I had been doing a great disservice by calling my blog "psalms of the street."  See, I originally took the name from the bulletin on my first day of worshipping at Broad Street.  I realized later that "psalms of the street" is the prayer card ministry that seeks to represent the voice of the community.  These cards, written by people from every walk of life, are collected, prayed over, and put into a blog in order to express the voices of those who are voiceless.  This blog is called Scribblings in the Sand.  I invite you to view this blog, with the understanding that these prayers come DIRECTLY from the community at worship, represent people from every walk of life, and are meant to be treated with great discretion (personal information has been removed) and utmost respect.  Christ came to give a voice to the voiceless, love to the unloved.  Broad Street Ministry hopes to carry this desire out as the body of Christ, and prayer cards serve as an opportunity for those without a voice to be represented.

My role at Broad Street Ministry is NOT to represent the community  myself.  The community must be able to speak for themselves, since most of them NEVER have this opportunity.  Therefore, my blog name is changing to:

My role at Broad Street Ministry is to be the pastoral welcoming presence to those who wish to become a part of the community.  I meet with people who contact us wishing to volunteer or at least get to know the community better.  I learn their stories, discern their gifts, and help plug them into the community.  My role is the pastoral associate for community trailblazing.

When you read my blog, I hope you realize that I am only a piece of a larger community that greatly desires to be heard.  So I urge you to also read Scribblings in the Sand, and be shaped by the prayers of this community!

By the way, this picture game up in google when I image searched "community trailblazing." This lady is pretty awesome:

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