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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Greetings friends! 

I'm writing to let you all know that I will be getting back into the habit of blogging, and with a NEW blog site.  Don't worry, all of my old posts will hopefully transfer over, and I don't plan on deleting this one.

Why am I doing this?  Well, for one, I am no longer the "community trailblazer" at Broad Street Ministry.  They continue to carry on with their usual awesomeness.  Another reason is simply that things get stale after a while.  It's always good to keep things new and fresh. Even the Psalmist would continue to speak of singing a "new song" to the Lord. 

I hope to post general reflections on my experience, along with prayers, songs, movie clips, and anything else I find invigorating. 

The name of my new blog is LIVE INTO HOPE.  The address is simple enough:  For me, I want my name to no longer be about something I am/was doing at a place, but to be a narrative of what WE, as humanity can do together.  This is the task of the body of Christ, to live out the message Christ proclaimed.  This is how we are called to live.

"In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we will die
Where you invest your love, you invest your life" -Mumford and Sons

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

we will remember

Ten days is not a very long time to really get to know a place.  Regardless, this is the time I spent in Haiti almost a year ago.  My journal from the trip is recounted in this blog. 

Our friend, travel companion, and resident documentary film making student was with us on that trip to help us recount all that we saw and heard.  Remembering is important, if nothing else than for recounting the story of a place.

I invite you to check out the video Cole made so that you can see and hear from Haitians we encountered face-to-face.  Remembering faces, stories, places, history, is how we can work to make a difference.

Check out the video on vimeo HERE

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

been a while!

I have no excuses for my writing hiatus.  School kept me busy, sure, but I'm now realizing how much I've needed this venue for an outlet.  So expect more posts in the near future!

Brief update for those that follow me here: I graduated from Union Presbyterian Seminary with an M.Div. in late May and am currently am in the process of seeking a "call," aka a church to serve.  Still living in Richmond and taking life as it comes!

Stay tuned!