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Sunday, April 4, 2010

easter between the two worlds

Christ is risen indeed! what?  What does that mean exactly?  During Lent, we acknowledge darkness and absence of hope.  The resurrection promise holds that new life, a better world is possible.  It opens the way for radical hope.  Easter worship at Arch St. Pres and BSM represent this claim in two differing ways.

Arch Street Presbyterian has been in the process of revitalization.  We have been building new ministry there in a congregation that was quite dim.  A congregation should never be defined by numbers, but new life is a valued commodity in a congregation void of such.  Therefore, when we had a 50% increase in people in worship, MOSTLY young adult couples, the vision of the resurrection promise became visible.  A church in the business district of the city can become a unique place for worship and mission.  New life can blow through an old place.

BSM is a church community to many of the city's most desolate people.  Holy Week took on such greater depth as it coincided with the annual closing of the 315 S. Homeless Cafe for the spring/summer/fall.  Basically, 300 people throughout the city were put back on the street after temporary housing for winter months came to an end and homeless shelters remained at capacity.  This Easter Sunday, BSM experienced the OPPOSITE of what usual "churches" experience on Easter Sunday.  There were noticeably LESS people in worship!  Although this may have been in large part to an evening service, you can't help but notice the absence of many of the usual Cafe guests.  During the months they stayed at BSM, they had a sense of ownership and empowerment in the place.  This is gone, for now.

This absence on Sunday, despite a wonderfully energetic, exciting, and moving service, was the reminder that the resurrection promise is not an end into itself.  The very poor and destitute people Christ lived among and promised a better world to are now back on the street.  This is a reminder of the stark world we live in and our calling from Christ to serve it faithfully.  The resurrection promise propels us forth to radically live out how Christ calls us to be.

The story goes on.

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