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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where in the world?

For those of you who don't know me, I am an AVID traveller.  I have a hard time staying in one location too long.  This month has been a month of travel, vacation, and exploration.

My first stop was Augusta, GA, my birthplace and home of my sponsor church, Reid Memorial Presbyterian.

"Home" is a very interesting concept, relative to the individual.  I admit, I often feel most at home while on the road, visiting friends that know me well.  I find it difficult to tie down this concept to one particular location.  Even Augusta has become a different place for me at this point in life.  Family and a few friends remain as my draw to home, but beyond that, I'm left seeking out other friends and experiences I can consider home as well.  Where is home for you?

One thing I LOVE about home is the lake.  We take our boat up on occasion to the lake to escape.  Floating out in the middle of nowhere on glassy smooth water is a GREAT way to clear the head after being in a city for so long.  Since I've been back I've felt much more centered and full of energy.  I credit a lot of it to being able to clear my head and relax in moments like these.

Amidst my inability to remain stagnant, I received a very welcoming reception at my home church.  I was greeted very warmly by people I have grown up with and people I barely know.  There is a clear love and appreciation for me and my work, despite my inability to be present to them.  This means a lot whether they realize it or not.

After some time in ATL and a wedding, I was off to Presbyterian Triennium at Purdue University in Indiana.  I was a small group leader as well as booth facilitator for Broad Street Ministry.

The theme was "Such a time as this," based of the Esther story.  What was driven home was the importance of standing up for our beliefs on behalf of others, despite the risks we may face.  We are guided and supported by God as was Esther when she stood up for her people.  This theme brought up many raw stories in my small group, stories about being too afraid to stand up for someone and not being stood up for.  I was reminded of how much pain high school youth carry with them and don't often have opportunities to express or share with others.

I was surprised at the openness of youth to come up to our BSM booth at the exhibit hall.  When I went to those things, I would go straight for the "free stuff," not even caring about what was being exhibited.  I had youth from all over the nation really interested in the life and work of BSM.  There was a lot of desire to do unique mission trips, something I don't remember as fondly from my youth.  I'm hoping this is a trend that is staying!

My favorite quote: "Is it true that you guys are a 'church for hipsters' (loose quote from a news article about bsm we give out)?  If so, I think I'd like to go there!" I was some ways, yes!

Even though I'm an extreme extrovert, I was WORN OUT by the end of this week - a lot of talking!

So here I am, back at BSM for the time being, in my last month :(

I'll keep you all updated more as I make the home sprint and begin to make my final evaluations.  peace!

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